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Adding Facebook Feeds to you Expression Engine site

Posted on July 8, 2011 by Michael Rosario
Total Posts: 33  |  Join date: 03-12-11

We needed to add facebook statuses to our site, and we had access to Facebook Pages’s RSS feed.

So here’s the steps:

  1. Get the RSS feed from Facebook. It looks like:[YOUR_NUMBER]&format=rss20
  2. Use Magpie plugin, for more details go to:
  3. Enable PHP on the template

Here is the code:

<?  $list “”?></p>

{exp:magpie url=”{YOUR_ID_NUMBER}&format=rss20” limit=”11” refresh=”720”}
“{pubdate}”// Get the date
$title “”.”“// Get the title
$pubDate strftime(%m/%d”strtotime($pubDate)); //Parse the date
if(strlen($title) != 1)//check if title is empty
$list .= </p>

dl><dt><b>$pubDate.</b> - .$title.</dt></dl>


p><? echo $list?> // Display Output 

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