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Creating two non-duplicating SELECT fields

Posted on January 18, 2012 by Michael Rosario
Total Posts: 33  |  Join date: 03-12-11

A client needed a registration form that entails a SELECT form for possible tour dates. A user will need to select a date and an alternate date. I wanted a function that would disable the dates on the other SELECT to avoid duplications. Here is my possible solution using jQuery. So first the two select fields:
<select name="tourdate" class="TourDate">
option>Date 1</option>
option>Date 2</option>
option>Date 3</option>

select name="tour alt" class="TourAlt">
option>Date 1</option>
option>Date 2</option>
option>Date 3</option>
On my header I have the following:
document).ready( function(){
var item1 "";
item2 "";

'.TourDate').change(function() {
= $("select[name='tourdate'] option:selected").text();
"select[name='touralt'] option").each(function () {
if(item1 == $(this).text()){  
else {   

'.TourAlt').change(function() {
= $("select[name='touralt'] option:selected").text();
"select[name='tourdate'] option").each(function () {
if(item2 == $(this).text()){  
else {   
I'm sure there are many ways to do this, this is just my way. The code basically disables the selected date on the other SELECT field and vice versa.

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