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ee-hive’s Flickr Plugin for Expression Engine 1.x

Posted on June 22, 2011 by Michael Rosario
Total Posts: 33  |  Join date: 03-12-11

I just wanted to share the following file: This is the fieldType developed by Brett DeWoody. I updated it to work for Expression Engine running 1.x, FF Matrix, and field frame. It works great for EE1 and flickr - providing your ID, Secret and Flickr API code. A quick set of tags that you can use:
{field_name size="square"} - Allows you to specify the size of the image, with the options square, thumb, small, or large.
{field_name:title}- Display's the photo's title
{field_name:description} - displays the photo's description
{field_name:pagelink} - displays the photo's page URL in flickr It's useful in that I can assign 1 photo to a field or multiple photos via FF Matrix. However, what I really needed was a way to pull sets only. So i revised the Fieldtype
Install by adding to /system/extensions/fieldtypes directory. With this, you choose a Set, then the Cover. I added the following commands in addition to the original above:
{field_name:setTitle} - returns the name of the Set
{field_name:setID} - returns the ID of the Set With the setID, I use the following Jquery snippet to output the images:
$(document).ready(function() {
var nmbr 1;
each(, function(i,item){
var photo 'http://farm' '' item.server '/' '_' item.secret '_s.jpg';
lg_photo 'http://farm' '' item.server '/' '_' item.secret '_z.jpg';
html "<li class='images'><a rel='gallery'  title='' href='#viewer"+nmbr+"'><img src='/images/image.gif' alt='"+lg_photo+"' /></a></li>";
galhtml  "<img id='viewer"+nmbr+"' src='"+lg_photo+"' />";
'hideOnContentClick' 'true'
'onComplete': function() 
return false

NOTEimage.gif is a transpant 1px X 1px image -->
prevent right clicking and saving of photos -->

div id="Gallery" ></div>
Placeholder for images -->

ul id="images"></ul>
Placeholder for thumbnails --> 

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