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How to get a JSON feed with YouTube and parse using Jquery

Posted on November 2, 2011 by Michael Rosario
Total Posts: 33  |  Join date: 03-12-11

So I had to parse and extract a youtube feed and wanted to share a quick tutorial: First, you will need the URL of the feed. Google kindly provided a YouTube tool located at: Once you have the code, you use jQuery and some jSon script to output and parse the results.
var URL "[USER_HANDLE]/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=5";
success: function(data){
$.each(, function(index
var myDateArray this.updated.split("-");
date 1+parseInt(myDateArray[1])+"/"+(myDateArray[2]).toString().substr(0,2)+"/"+myDateArray[0];
thumb this.thumbnail.sqDefault;
count this.viewCount
title this.title;
link getAttributeByIndex(this.player0); 
'.feed-youtube .bdy .items').append("<li class='thumb-feature'><div class='img'><a href='"link +"'><img src='" thumb "' width='120' height='68' alt='" title "' /></a></div><div class='text'><h3><a href='" link "'>"+title+"</a></h3><p>" count " views - added " +  date  " </p></div></li>");  

// Used to get an element from an object
function getAttributeByIndex(objindex){
var 0;
  for (var 
attr in obj){
if (index === i){
return obj[attr];
return null;
Basically, this outputs the thumbnail and title with links, the viewcount and the date it was updated. Hope this helps!

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