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Reverse Honeypot Captcha

Posted on April 22, 2012 by Michael Rosario
Total Posts: 33  |  Join date: 03-12-11

Honeypot works by having a hidden field in a form. Naturally, a spammer-bot will try to fill in every single field - including our trap - the Honeypot! However, why do I still get spam? Introducing, the Reverse Honeypot Captcha.

First we setup a Honeypot field. Try it out. This might be your first line of defense for a week or so until the spammer figure out your site.

For more information, Phil Haack wrote a nice post about it on his blog: Click here

Second, you fill this field by default.

<input id="NAME" type="text" style="display: none;"  value="I'm a spammer" /> 

By itself, this will trigger honeypot to identify everyone as a spammer. Now, here is the concept for Reverse Honeypot Captcha. We introduce jQuery or plain javascript to remove the value of that field when an actual human being hovers on the submit button.

$('.Button').hover(function()$("#NAME").val(''); },function(){}); 

This jquery bit removes the value from the honeypot field when a user hovers the submit button.

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